This refers to the Monday sessions and the Orange art group activities.
Everyone has been welcomed into a drop-in session facilitated by Jill on Monday mornings. These gatherings have been enjoyed by many over the past forty years in different venues around the city. They include projects, life drawing, and review sessions. During lockdown various what’s app groups have been interacting. Monday session may resume later in 2021. There are weekend away opportunities that have also been planned.
Jill Trappler – 7 till 10 May 2021 Wildekrans Lodge; Houw Hoek Green Mountain info@greenmountain.co.za “The buildings, garden, and daily adventures at Wildekrans present an intimate curiosity to how nature and people interact empathetically. For example, a path through the grass, cleared by walkers leads us to a pond, a tree, a bridge, and along … Read more
With thanks to NAC PESP fund. 8 artists, 8 months interaction, 12 homes. 60 learners, 347 images Including ceramics, fabric painting, collages, photography, acrylic paint, pencil crayons, wax crayons, charcoal About making images, telling stories, using hands and minds, having conversations, interacting, sharing ideas and experiences. No programs, no curriculum, no right and wrong … Read more
The Orange art groups started in response to a need for artists from various backgrounds and experiences to work together, sharing skills and ideas and interacting while making images or working on craft. These groups have remained open and inclusive. The paying students pay a drop-in fee which covers costs of models, rent and refreshments. … Read more
Orange art group; I will be working on line and via WhatsApp. Please let me know if you would like to join the general, lockdown group where articles, movies, poetry, essays etc are shared. Or the Monday group where I will set projects and review work. The exchange in this group is serious and supportive. … Read more
Orange art group: August 2020
CUT Stitching memories from the past, into the present and following the stitches to an anticipated future isn’t a way of life any more. We have had to cut so many threads in mid-stitch because of the effects of the virus. Travel plans, family reunions, shopping, schooling, daily routines, seeing friends, touching, seeing full faces … Read more
Orange art group: July 2020
Transposing from images that are not from our usual referencing. I am sending 12 little images from a calendar of Japanese traditional paintings and woodcuts. Please see the name of the artists, the year and the title of the work under the image on the right-hand side. Read the image and think about the story … Read more
Orange art group: Mid-June update
Dear All, I am slowly adjusting to the reality of not making plans and living each day as it comes. This is not an easy task as reaching into the future is what we do; we look forward. We have to stay inward for the winter and be with every day. I am sure many … Read more
Orange art group. JUNE 2020
These projects are the last in the three-month series that have made up our various what’s ap group interactions and exchanges. The images and responses that have come out of the last months have been informative and inspiring. Thank you so much for your involvement, your work and your empathetic comments. There is a large … Read more