2020 Vision Workshop

Booking essential

Jill Trappler: 2020 Vision

2020 vision: exploring how visual acuity can vary using different approaches and materials Three day workshop                             

Thursday and Friday, 07/ 08 May 2020   from (09h00 -12h00) and (13h00 – 16h00)

Saturday 09 May 2020 (09h00 -12h00)                    

Course Fee: R900       



Jill Trappler is a well known Cape Town based artist and painter who works in several different media. She not only exhibits regularly but also conducts art classes and workshops alongside her own personal projects. Her work is found in various private, corporate, and numerous public collections.


Don’t miss this opportunity to join Jill Trappler in this hands-on workshop. Jill will take copying or transposing as a starting point, using still life images to explore how visual acuity can vary using different approaches and materials. Scale, colour and interpretation/ translation will be considered. This is a research course in seeing and making. There are five sessions; during each session, a new project will be set in process to expand the participant’s ability and thinking. The first session will be an introduction and exploration with chalk and oil pastels on good paper.  In the second session, we will look at how we see from a distance and the third session how we see from close up. The fourth and closing session will be determined by the work done in the previous sessions.


Jill will provide references to images and reading. A list of materials required will be provided on registration. The course is available to beginners and experienced artists.


reena.bhoodram@msunduzi.gov.za or 033 392 2823