Dear All, best wishes for a happy 2016. I have taken some time in sorting out our way forward; having explored various options I am happy with my decision.
You will see from the attached calendar that I have committed to working in the large drawing studio at Ruth Prowse on Monday mornings. I will be there at 8:30 and we need to be out by 12:30 as a new session starts at one. ( you need to take all your work and all your materials and tools away; no storage.)
I like this studio as it has good light and wall space plus they will provide easels, chairs and tables as we need them. It is clean and has a sink. We have access to the kitchen and garden and the library is very good; ( I need to check if we can remove books!) The shop will be open; they provide all the essential materials. There is limited parking inside but parking in the area is available and safe. You can drop you materials and work and then find parking. The security man will assist you. There is a gallery space and other studios with students busy with various projects and practises.
The price has to go up a little to R180.00 per session. The sessions are longer though and you will still be able to pay per session without commitment as I will not be using the schools admin systems but rather working with them directly in terms of rent. The hourly rate for models has increased too. However if you pay for four sessions in one month you can pay R650.00
There are no classes in March, June and July.
I would like this to be a workshop studio where you bring work to work on and from; ( sketches, photographs, collages, paintings…all welcome). I will engage with you and your work and suggest ways of extending your practise. The group will assist in this too as conversation about image making is usually very helpful. An interactive environment where exchange can take place freely and with consideration for the work is invaluable. I will however work with a model at least once a month; you can decide if you want to join in life drawing, still life and other projects. The plan is for us to work together in a quiet place without distraction and expectation so that the making of images, in whatever medium is of primary concern.
I look forward to seeing you all; February 1st there will be a model.
Best wishes from Jill
Ruth Prowse school;
5 Elson Road, Woodstock.