
Jill Trappler - Cape Town Art
One, Two, Many, Squared. 2019. 1 x 1 x 2 metres. Wood, paint and wire heddles
Jill Trappler - Cape Town Art
2806. 2019. 30 x 30 cm. Wood and paint
Jill Trappler - Cape Town Art
2790. 2019. 30 x 30 cm. Wood and paint
Jill Trappler - Cape Town Art
Jill Trappler - Cape Town Art
4 plus 5. 2019. 160 x 47 x 35 cm. Wood and paint
Jill Trappler - Cape Town Art
way in, 42.5 x 35 cm. acrylic on canvas on board, 2023
Jill Trappler - Cape Town Art
2810. 2019. 30 x 30 cm. Wood and paint

Artist Statement

Memories of making physical forms in space include hours in my fathers carpentry workshop, at my mothers sewing machine and building with clay. During the last few months at boarding school I built a tall human form in cement. Carving little wax forms and casting them in lead, carving out tree trunks to make drums, building a life size rag doll from my cloths as a “self-portrait”,  tree houses and wigwams made with bamboo are images and experiences that I remember well. Weaving on various looms and weaving off loom, Perspex strips woven into floating forms or forms that catch the light in the garden, glass suspensions and wire mobiles interacting with trees and bamboo, wooden mobiles and wooden reliefs are all connected to the music of the spheres. Environmental interactions.

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