ORANGE ART group media release

Jill Trappler - Cape Town Art

Exhibition, 6 Spin street gallery, Cape Town. 17th February to 6 March 2021. This is the second of a trio of exhibitions funded by the NAC covid relief fund and the PESP. View the online catalogue here 26 artists from the Orange art group are exhibiting work made during lockdown. The WhatsApp interaction is facilitated … Read more

Student Review: Jill Trappler and Eunice Geustyn’s ‘Half Light and Shadow ’ Eunice Geustyn & Jill Trappler

By Keren Bauman AVA, Cape Town 01.09.2016 – 01.10.2016 The saying, enough is enough, is what comes to mind after viewing the collaborative exhibition ‘Half Light and Shadow’ by Jill Trappler and Eunice Geustyn. The violent heavily symbolic content of Geustyn’s work comes together with the psychological abstract work by Trappler in confusing contrast and … Read more

Light, darkness and depth to mull over

The fact that visual art has the ability to communicate beyond words, almost in ‘another language’, gives it almost always the emotional edge when the subject is about painful issues or about the deeper human condition. In this regard the fine, blue stitches of surgical thread, barely visible in Eunice Geustyn’s work of mixed media, … Read more

The paintings for the exhibition at AVA, “Half light and shadow” are from an ongoing series, “weaving and unwoven”.

The images are made on canvas with acrylic paint and various media and are found in scribbling, drawing, dripping, pouring, layering, scratching, polishing and painting. They are tracked into the surface and found in the pigment and handwork. Like an archaeologist finds bones and fossils in the rock and earth, the images are found in … Read more

‘Unfolding her’

Jill Trappler AVA, 30 April 2015 The other day Jill and I reminisced about when we first met, in 1986 – at the Thupelo workshop in Broederstroom outside Johannesburg. She went on to become an active participant and leader in the Thupelo workshops, the driving force behind Greatmore Studios in Cape Town and the Fordsburg … Read more

‘Unfolding Her’

The AVA is pleased to present “Unfolding Her” by Jill Trappler Beneath it is all dark, it is all spreading, it is unfathomably deep; but now and again we rise to the surface and that is what you see us by.    ‘To the Lighthouse’ Virginia Wolf In “Unfolding Her” Jill Trappler explores the notion … Read more


presents a solo exhibition of recent paintings
22 January to 10 February 2001

The Association for Visual Arts (AVA) at the Metropolitan Gallery, 35 Church Street, Cape Town, is hosting a one-person exhibition of recent paintings, “Breath”, by Cape Town artist and art educator, JILL TRAPPLER, in all three AVA gallery spaces. The exhibition opens on Monday, 22 January at 6pm and runs until noon on Saturday, 10 February 2001.

JILL TRAPPLER, in this exhibition, focuses once again on the non-figurative in her paintings. This has been her chief area of artistic output in recent years. She has chosen to be free of the burden of representation, of the material. Her concern is with pure colour, form, surface, texture and how these integrate, resulting in composition, structure and the use of space on the canvas or the paper. Her work is never ‘easy’. There is never a simple ‘explanation’ or a ‘message’ or an ‘issue’. There is no attempt at didacticism or the reduction of the artwork to a commodity, no attempt to serve ‘the market’; rather it is for her about beauty, seeing “the wholeness of eternity, beauty, usually unexpected, yet sought after. It finds your heart and your guts, it is breathtaking, abrupt, exhilarating, so fierce, so true that you wonder if you can bear it, but it is in the pattern of things, waiting to visit, in time. Then it is true. So, I try to find moments of this with colour, because it is in life.”

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